POSITIONING THE HEARING INSTRUMENT ON THE EARPlace the hearing instrument over the top of the ear. Hold the slim tube where it attaches to the dome and gently push the dome into the ear canal. The dome should be placed far enough into the ear so READ MORE |
Category: Open Fit Hearing Aids
CHOOSING AN OPEN EAR HEARING AIDThe first step to choosing a hearing aid is to get your hearing tested. Once you have a hearing test you can begin the search for a hearing aid. If you have a copy of your hearing test fax it READ MORE |
ATTACHING THE SLIM TUBE TO THE HEARING INSTRUMENTUnscrew the earhook from the hearing instrument. Hold the slim tube with the dome attached in one hand and the hearing instrument in the other hand. Gently turn the Moda hearing instrument onto the slim tube until it is snug. READ MORE |
ATTACHING AND REMOVING HEARING AID DOMESTo attach the dome, push the dome onto the slim tube until it touches the plastic ring. To remove the dome, grasp the dome between the thumb and forefinger and pull it off the slim tube Information courtesy of Unitron READ MORE |
A NON-TECHNICAL LOOK AT HOW OPEN FIT AIDS WORKOverview Open fit hearing aids have changed the hearing aid industry. We believe that if you give them a chance, they will change your life, too. They are amazingly easy. They are comfortable. And they are so small they’re nearly READ MORE |